from A$29.00

Black Diamond

Origins : Colombia, Brazil, India, Sumatra, Ethiopia 
Roasted: medium full
Brewing methods: Espresso/Filter/ Plunger
Taste: One of our most popular! With the pleasant aroma of pipe tobacco, this coffee has a medium to full bodied mouth-feel with a distinct dark cocoa opening flavour finishing with a undertone of molasses, citrus and black tea. These characteristics are beautifully complicated by an emerging sweetness when paired with milk.

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Black Diamond

Origins : Colombia, Brazil, India, Sumatra, Ethiopia 
Roasted: medium full
Brewing methods: Espresso/Filter/ Plunger
Taste: One of our most popular! With the pleasant aroma of pipe tobacco, this coffee has a medium to full bodied mouth-feel with a distinct dark cocoa opening flavour finishing with a undertone of molasses, citrus and black tea. These characteristics are beautifully complicated by an emerging sweetness when paired with milk.

Black Diamond

Origins : Colombia, Brazil, India, Sumatra, Ethiopia 
Roasted: medium full
Brewing methods: Espresso/Filter/ Plunger
Taste: One of our most popular! With the pleasant aroma of pipe tobacco, this coffee has a medium to full bodied mouth-feel with a distinct dark cocoa opening flavour finishing with a undertone of molasses, citrus and black tea. These characteristics are beautifully complicated by an emerging sweetness when paired with milk.

All prices stated on the Website are in Australian Dollars (AUD) and inclusive of GST. Additional charges will apply for delivery as notified to you as part of the order process.